congregation outside the church
congregation outside the church
Love, be loved! Church of the Atonement is an Episcopal Church where everyone is welcome.
As believers in Jesus Christ - his inspiring life and teaching, his saving death and resurrection -
we have a 150-year legacy of faith, hope and love.
As an inclusive and affirming spiritual community, we strive to tell and show in all that we do,
God’s love and healing for every human being.
Come and worship with us!
To watch our 10:00 a.m. worship service (prelude at 9:55 a.m.) streamed live every Sunday --
visit Atonement's Facebook page.
You do not need a Facebook account to do this!
Coming up at Atonement
3 Easter - Earth Day Sunday - April 23, 9:55 a.m. - Church
The Easter season continues...as we observe Earth Day,
and our Creation Care ministry. Eucharist - Inclusive Rite
The Fourth Sunday of Easter - April 30, 9:55 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two - Church
Annual Meeting Breakfast and Communion
The Fifth Sunday of Easter - May 7, 9:30 a.m. - Fellowship Hall
Breakfast, election of Vestry members, parish survey results,
Gospel Reading, Hymns, Communion - all downstairs.
Bible Study - Thursday, April 20, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Hybrid
study of 1 Corinthians (in person and online)
Book Group - Fridays, April 21 & 28, 10 a.m. The Dig
Inquirers/Discovery Night - Tuesday, April 25, 7:15 - 8:30 p.m.
Casual supper provided. DVD & discussion. RSVP.
Earth Day Message from the Environmental Committee:
Our stewardship of God's Creation
For information about our worship and education, or questions about Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage or Burial, please send us a message through our Contact Page.
Small groups such as Bible Study, Book Group, Sacred Ground, and Discovery Nights (especially for newcomers) are now held in person as well as online via Zoom (hybrid). Check out our Spiritual Growth and Education page.
Everyone please stay safe and healthy! We are currently mask-optional.
To enjoy selections performed by our Atonement musicians go to our Music Archive
Children and Teens begin in church and go with their teachers to their programs after the opening hymns and prayer, then rejoin the congregation for Communion.