97 Highwood Ave at Engle Street
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Adult education and spiritual growth
A variety of opportunities throughout the week enrich our lives and our faith through learning and interaction with other seekers. We honor each other's individual spiritual journeys while sharing and growing together in Christ. You don’t have to be a member of Atonement to participate – all are warmly invited and welcome.
SUNDAY FORUMS - We usually schedule one educational forum each month after the 10 am Sunday service, after refreshments, at about 11:30 a.m. In the Auditorium. Coming up: "Teach us to Pray" led by Lynne and Dean Weber. April 21 - Grace at meals and other prayers of thanksgiving and praise to God. May 19 (Pentecost) - Healing prayers, petitions, and intercessions. June 9 - The Prayer of the Heart - centering/contemplative silent prayer. July 14 - "How to Pray for Another" - this one in the a/c Rector's office.
BIBLE STUDY – Atonement has Bible study on most 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month at 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., meeting in the Reception Room at Atonement, and also via Zoom (HYBRID). Refreshments at 7:15 p.m. Bible Study will be held next on the 3rd Thursday in September: September 19 reading the Old Testament book of Daniel. Everyone is always welcome. Then, on October 3 and 17. For a Zoom invitation, contact Dave in the parish office or Lynne Weber directly.
BOOK GROUP - The group meets on Friday mornings 10-11 a.m. We are now HYBRID - in-person gatherings in the Reception Room at Atonement, and also on Zoom for those at a distance, or who prefer to continue to participate remotely. Through the year we alternate between fiction and non-fiction; some books have religious or ethical themes, some are just for fun or general interest. Led by Lynne & Dean Weber. Our book for Friday, September 13 is the novel, The Magic Kingdom by Russell Banks. All welcome! To receive a Zoom invitation, contact the parish office or Lynne Weber directly.
SACRED GROUND - Beginning in March 2022, a group was formed to participate "in person" only in SACRED GROUND - a curriculum on race and faith of The Episcopal Church. This group which is now "closed" to new participants, will continue through November 28. Group members offer reflections on their experience in 2024.
DISCOVERY - INQUIRER NIGHTS - Casual supper, getting to know each other, learning and sharing together! Discovery Nights are designed for seekers, newcomers, and lifelong learners. In the winter-spring of 2024, our sessions have been on "Short Stories by Jesus" (parables) with Amy-Jill Levine - DVD and discussion. Our last session in this series is Tuesday, July 2, 7:15 p.m. with the parable of The Widow and the Judge. All are welcome, no previous participation needed! If you have any questions or would like to participate, contact the church office, contact the Rector through the Contact Page, or sign up on the sheet in the Reception Room. A new series will begin in the fall.
MINI RETREATS (“QUIET DAYS”) - Our next mini quiet day is T.B.D.. Mini Retreats are opportunities to delve more deeply into a Biblical text or theme of the season. Because people have different ways of learning, we enter the story via learning, Ignatian meditation on a Bible passage, quiet time with questions for reflection, poetry, Q&A/discussion, and an art meditation. We end with a festive luncheon. Scheduled in advance, on Saturdays, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm. Suggested donation: $15, includes the quiet day and festive lunch ($5 without lunch).
ADULT EDUCATION RETREAT – Together we learn and discuss, pray with the monks, find time for rest and reflection, and enjoy delicious meals, all overlooking the Hudson River. Dean and Lynne Weber teach. Our 2023 retreat, "Jesus the Jew" was held September 24-26 at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, New York. Next year's date is set at September 27-29, 2024: "St. Michael and All Angels: Serving, Protecting, Announcing" Cost is $250 which includes all 6 meals, room, and retreat. RSVP DEADLINE is July 30. Contact Lynne or Dean, or David in the parish office for more information. Confidential partial scholarships available.
INTERFAITH & ECUMENICAL OFFERINGS: As the pandemic eases, we are returning once again for "in person" as well as online conversations through our participation in the Tenafly Interfaith Association (TIA), and the Interfaith Brotherhood-Sisterhood Committee of Bergen County (IBSCBC). The TIA is focusing on education inequality in New Jersey and continues to offer local interfaith services and events. The IBSCBC will offer its annual Interfaith Brunch on President's Day each year at Seasons. Ticket information soon. Contact Lynne for more information.
If you’d like to know more about our Bible study and other adult ed opportunities, please send an email through our Contact page. We’ll be glad to send you the latest schedule and information about participating. All are welcome!